
Back before I went through hospitalization and what-not, I was primarily concerned with “small ball”—trying to keep my now-ex-fiancée happy and that sort of thing. Stuff they talk about in pop songs. Nowadays, I’m much more interested in things that interested me when I first visited the elementary school library. Here’s an example: What are…


For much of my life, I spent a lot of my time with other people. Even following the death of my father, I spent a lot of time with my friends when I wasn’t in school. However, I’m now at a stage in life where many ppl are having children, etc., so I find this…

Learned Helplessness

I spend a lot of time (for a fly?) thinking about Learned Helplessness. If I recall correctly, the idea is derived from an experiment where a dog was called, and as soon as it left its cage, it was electrocuted. After a couple shocks, it no longer came when called. I believe this is also…


Often, I find myself feeling conflicted: on one hand, I’m relieved to be alive, and I’m further relieved my ex left me. Some people have been extremely good to me, too. I should keep that in mind, for _sure_. When I add it up, I feel extremely fortunate. At the same time, I would’ve preferred…

What I Remember

As I mentioned, I had some strokes in 2022. Officially, they were cryptogenic strokes because there was no specific cause identified. Still, I really wanted to know the cause so I could be sure to avoid another stroke in the future (cuz MAN they suuuuuck). Last year, I learned that I’d had a stroke at…

Numerology & ESP

Ever since I was a young boy, I’ve had interest in both numerology and ESP. I suspect this was before local parents declared such books against God, fortunately. I remember one book at the school library in particular that I especially loved as an elementary school student. It covered subjects such as Uri Gellar (turned…

The Witching Hour

I don’t know if this has always been the case, or if it’s a new thing. Almost every night, as the sun sets, I find myself getting increasingly worried about things that range from unlikely to extremely unlikely. It’s as if the sun represents hope and possibility, and as it sets, I feel like yet…

Back Again

So I’m back in New Hampshire, as I seek to avoid the heat ever since I experienced a stroke during a heat wave. As Public Intellectual George W Bush once said, “There’s a saying in Tennessee…. Well, we have it in Texas, I assume you have in Tennessee… Fool me once, shame on… shame on…….

That Time I Went to Hell

As I mentioned, a couple years ago (almost), I experienced some strokes, and I was hospitalized for a couple months (during which time, Queen Elizabeth died, in case I wasn’t confused enough). Anyway, during the time I was drugged in the hospital, I spent some time hallucinating. Specifically, I thought leather was made from human…