The Hard Way
I wish I’d never had any strokes. I wish I had never had to get hospitalized and/or surgery. However, the prospect of marrying my ex-fiancée is straight-up scary! In some ways, I feel extremely lucky. But man … man.
Anyway, I have a level of focus (sorta) and ambition I’ve not had since elementary school, combined with years worth of wisdom from adulthood. In the before times, I was fixated on stupid human stuff. Nowadays, I have a level of clarity I previously evidently overlooked.
I see the stark contrast between when I was a child and now, and I see that to find/make improvements, the onus is really on us who want those improvements.
A childhood friend said something that really struck me. I commented that now is akin to the Titanic sinking, while the Irish people are locked in below deck. He commented that desperate people do dangerous things, and that really resonated for me. Right now, many people are quickly finding themselves joining a rapidly growing underclass. Many elements of 20th century stability are rapidly being replaced, and many folks have no idea how to adapt. On the other end of the same continuum, many younger folks are dramatically underestimating how long some of these same changes will take to be ubiquitous. Meanwhile, the clock keeps ticking.
I forget if I had an overarching point—it’s my damn small phone keyboard again! Whatever—I should take my dog outside anyway.